WORKSHOP ‘The Courage to Move’

Teacher: Ben Haggarty


Duration: 180 min

Start: 13:30

End: 16:30

Price: € 50

Language: EN
Location:  Studio

About the workshop:

How does the storyteller dare move to fill a space with a world of people and places? This is a workshop that helps storytellers start to identify and understand a grammar of movement, and which hopes to help them to build confidence to fill a space. It assumes that participants are familiar with the improvised paradigm of orality (i.e not reciting a script) and that they have a repertoire they can draw on.


Having trained in mime, and in theatre direction at East 15, and apprenticed as an image-maker with Welfare State, Ben Haggarty is one of the UK’s most popular contemporary storytellers and a pioneer of the European storytelling renaissance. He is renowned for his passionate and physical performances. He tours widely, has been a guest artist in over one hundred International Storytelling Festivals in 32 countries and was for 10 years the official storyteller with Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. Ben is a much sought after teacher and director of storytellers, and is the founder and artistic director of the legendary Crick Crack Club. He is Honorary Professor of Storytelling at the Arts University of Berlin (UDK). His graphic novel series ‘MeZolith’ is published by Archaia. In 2014, he won the Fringe First for Spoken Word award for ‘Mr Sandmann, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares’.