fully bookedSunday Pass November 10

Sunday Pass November 10


The Sunday Pass gives you entrance to all shows, the talk and the Masterclass of that day. Since we are preparing so many exciting things for you, some shows might overlap in time, so you won’t be able to visit everything… But you can visit a lot! And you will definitely have a great time. 🙂

When you buy this DayPass, please immediately after that send the list of shows that you want to see to kaartverkoop@podiummozaiek.nl. Then you will receive separate tickets for the requested shows.

If you have doubts what to see, please send an email with your phone number. Somebody from the marketing team will call you to advise what is the best route for you.

Full list of Sunday Shows with start- and endtime:

12:0013:00 Masterclass

13:1514.15 Till Death … / Arjen Barel

16:0017:00 a trail of pomegranate seeds / Rasha Hilwi & Sahand Sahebdivani 

16:3017:30 Divine Madness / Başak Layiç

17:0018:00 Talk 

18:4519:45 Roses are Dead/Peter Chand & Kirsten Milliken

20:1521:00 We all Fall! / Danni Cullen 



capacity: 25

Price: €37,50

fully bookedSaturday Pass November 9

Saturday Pass November 9

The Saturday Pass gives you entrance to all shows and the Talk of that day. Since we are preparing so many exciting things for you, some shows might overlap in time, so you won’t be able to visit everything… But you can visit a lot! And you will definitely have a great time.


When you buy this DayPass, please immediately after that send the list of shows that you want to see to kaartverkoop@podiummozaiek.nl. Then you will receive separate tickets for the requested shows.

If you have doubts what to see, please send an email with your phone number. Somebody from the marketing team will call you to advise what is the best route for you.


Full list of Saturday Shows with start- and endtime:

(*the workshops is excluded from this day pass)


14:30 – 15:20 – Bread and Brave/ Vincenzo AcquAria Castellana & Paolo Rossetti Murittu PREMIERE

16:00- 17:15 – Untitled Document / Ari Teperberg

17:00 – 18:00 – TALK: ‘The courage to live’

19:00 – 20:00 – Halim Al-Hakawati / Raffi Feghali   

19:30 – 20:40 – We Are Who We Are / Chidi Ebere & Ham ko Ham PREMIERE

20:50 – 21:50  – De Uitnodiging  / Laura van Dolron & Mark Kulsdom SHOW IN DUTCH      

22:00 – 23:00 – Befrdfgth / Dr. Brown


Price: €37,50

Live Music of an Amazing Band

Live music

information is coming

Closing Party

Closing Party

Artist: Dj Zé Karlo

Duration: 150 min

Sunday, 10 november
Start: 21:00
End: 23:30
Price: FREE
Location: Foyer

About the party:

Zé Karlo
Crossing borders with this energetic & fun DJ will make you smile and dance the night away!


We all Fall!

We all Fall!

Artist: Danni Cullen

Duration: 45 min

Sunday, 10 november

Start: 20:15

End: 21:00

Price: €15

Language: EN
Location: Big Theatre

About the show:

This is a storytelling show to remind us of imperfection, disorder, chaos and the Fall!

Failure, rejection, making mistakes and vulnerability are not acknowledged as part of life but shamefully are hidden.

Sometimes we try so hard to get it right and it turns out so very wrong!

WE ALL FALL, interweaves personal stories and ancient myths to tell us all about women who embody strength, resilience, passion, and failure, each cursed to suffer, but each finds the strength and determination to show us the pain and beauty of tragedy.

A show for the underdogs, for the ones who enjoy falling over! Perhaps you need a reminder to find a bit of comedy in your own tragedy! If you feel like you’re getting it wrong…You are not alone!

The beautiful and the sad,

Tears and laughter,

They are the same thing, 

A show where heroines lose everything

but find their own heart!

If you’re tripping, stumbling, struggling,

I salute you! 


Danni Cullen is an Irish storyteller, born in Dublin but lives all over, she is a bit of a gypsy pirate.

She has been an elf for Santa Claus, she has tried to join the circus, lived with monks in India, been stranded in Mexico and was a tour guide in Spain.

Yes, she has a few stories to tell!

She loves to create theatre and tell stories  that remind us to play and laugh at ourselves, to find comedy in our tragedies.

Roses are Dead

Roses are Dead

Artist: Peter Chand & Kirsten Milliken

Duration: 60 min

Sunday, 10 november

Start: 18:45

End: 19:45

Price: €15

Language: EN

Location: Studio

About the show:

To follow your heart to the end of love takes real courage.

Sometimes falling in love is the scariest thing to do: because wild, passionate, burning love is not for the faint hearted.

From the first stirrings, to the space between the seen and the unseen, trying constantly to overcome the obstacles of the heart. Bliss found – how do we deal with the emotional turmoil which can drive us to the point of insanity and back?

In Roses are Dead, storytellers Peter Chand and Kirsten Milliken will share folk tales from their respective Indian and Scottish cultures, facing head on the soaring highs and crushing lows explored in these traditional tales.


Peter Chand: British Indian storyteller Peter Chand is one of Europe’s most renowned storytellers and is constantly in demand for his tales of life, love, and the supernatural. He has shared his tales across Britain and has also performed in Norway, France, USA, Lithuania, Austria, Canada, and Singapore amongst other countries. 

He is a trainer of high repute, leading workshops with teachers, librarians, budding storytellers, university students, business leaders, health professionals, and anyone trying to find their voice and gain confidence when performing in public. 

Peter is also part of the organising team of Festival at the Edge, which is the oldest storytelling festival in England, and was the Storyteller in Residence at The Story Museum in Oxford from 2019 to 2021.

He has recently been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the University of Wolverhampton for his Storytelling activities and for championing storytellers from a global majority heritage.

“This is like an audience with Paulo Coelho! Storytelling is divine”. Kemi B. Litera London

Kirsten Milliken: Is a storyteller, artist and educator based in Edinburgh. Never afraid of dark and difficult themes, she aims to stir passion, ignite creativity and provoke action. Kirsten specialises in stories from Celtic and Norse traditions, particularly where they meet such as in her homeland of Shetland. Her repertoire includes myths, legends, sagas, folk and fairy tales; from epics to more intimate tales of individual relationships and difficult choices. Often focusing on themes of environmental and social justice she creatively reinterprets traditional material for modern audiences, reflecting what stories show us about the world we live in and our relationship with others.

Kirsten has worked in various settings from the community to the stage and has delivered performances, workshops and story walks throughout Scotland including the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, Go Local programme and Global Lab series.

” ..Kirsten’s magical storytelling seamlessly brings stories to life and sparks excitement in young and old minds alike.” Community Engagement Officer Whitmuir Farm Scotland


Peter and Kirsten: Co-creators and performers

TALK ‘The courage of the mind traveller’

TALK ‘The courage of the mind traveller’

Speakers: tba

Duration: 60 min

Sunday, 10 november
Start: 17:00
End: 18:00
Price: 5,00
Language: EN
Location: Studio

About the talk:

Dare to uncover the mysteries of your own mind
In ancient times the priests of the old religions, from the Celtic druids to the Persian monks, tried to explain the mysteries of life through stories. They would also sometimes use psychedelic substances to get closer to the truth.

Today we listen to the stories, but what do we know of travelling deeper into the mind? We will discuss this with the specialists in the field of psychology and psychedelics.

premiere Divine Madness

Divine Madness


Başak Layiç


Duration: 60 min

Sunday, 10 november

Start: 16:30

End: 17:30

Price: € 15

Language: EN
Location: Big Theatre

About the show:

A ritual performance where live music intertwines with theatrical storytelling, guiding you through the depths of madness and the Divine Feminine. After years of battling panic attacks, Başak consults a modern witch in Istanbul and uncovers that her anxiety is rooted in her family’s past. She learns that her grandmother, labelled ‘crazy’ and who ended her own life, has been haunting her. To rid herself of this presence and avoid a similar fate, Başak embarks on a journey into the mysteries where she asks for the help of Lilith. With the audience’s help, Başak will delve into the depths of madness and seek light within the darkness, navigating the fine line between reality and fantasy while grappling with the haunting question: ‘Am I the one who is mad, or is it the Divine?’


Born and raised in Istanbul, Başak Layiç is a versatile theatermaker, storyteller, Artistic Director, and Community Builder. She moved to the Netherlands in 2019, becoming a storyteller at Mezrab and writing her first play, “The Millennial Immigrant,” for the Amsterdam Fringe Festival. Since then, she has worked in more than 30 productions across the Netherlands.

Başak’s works delve into profound philosophical questions blended with comedy and a certain musicality, ensuring her narratives stick in your mind like a catchy tune you can’t stop humming – only less annoying. Currently, she is exploring innovative ways to integrate music and spoken word, believing that the fusion of these elements can create a more immersive and emotionally resonant experience for audiences. This exploration will culminate in her upcoming solo performance, “Divine Madness,” which aims to harmonize storytelling with musical rhythms and melodies, enhancing the depth and impact of her narratives.


Writer and actress: Başak Layiç

Musician: Emin Gök & Başak Layiç

Director: Zephyr Brüggen

Dramaturg: Mara van Nes

Fundraiser: Philippos Moschatos

A Trail of Pomegranate Seeds

A Trail of Pomegranate Seeds

Rasha Hilwi & Sahand Sahebdivani

Duration: 60 min

Sunday, 10 november

Start: 16:00

End: 17:00

Price: €15

Language: EN
Location: Studio

About the show:

The impressive love and life stories of writer and journalist Rasha Hilwi and storyteller Sahand Sahebdivani. Personal stories about leaving their homelands and trying to find belonging will be mixed with a tapestry of songs and folk tales. Their journey culminates in making two children who, through their parents, have roots in Palestine and Iran. Rasha and Sahand talk about love, lullabies, melancholy and the indomitable spirits of their ancestors.


Rasha Hilwi is a Palestinian writer, journalist, editor, DJ storyteller, cultural curator and a mother. She was born in Akka and based in Amsterdam.She graduated from the University of Haifa with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology. Through her writing and performances she focuses on the questions and stories surrounding “Home بيت” and “Ghorbah غربة” and their intersections with motherhood, displacements, personal narratives, history and identities.


Sahand Sahebdivani is the most known storyteller of The Netherlands. In 2004 he founded the Mezrab, which became one of the most important storytelling stages of the world. Sahand arrived in the Netherlands as a refugee of the Iran-Iraq war at the age of three. The experiences of him and his family have been the basis of the majority of his work. Sahand also is a father of twin girls, a writer and the co-director of The Amsterdam Storytelling Festival.


Concept, text and music by Rasha Hilwi and Sahand Sahebdivani

Open Masterclass: Deep Connection

Open Masterclass: Deep Connection

Artist: Raphael Rodan

Location: Studio
Duration: 60 minutes

Sunday, 10 november
Start: 14:30
End: 15:30
Price: € 5,-
Language: EN
Location: Studio

About the masterclass:

Raphael Rodan is a master at finding a personal connection to old traditional stories. For this public masterclass he will invite one storyteller to work with Raphael, who will bring a story to work on. Usually, this happens in the closed environment of a classroom. But this time we will open the workshop to a larger audience, allowing visitors to witness the process of creating an individual personal connection to an ancient story. We hope that the audience will learn a lot from the process, and also will be exposed to a deeper artistic exploration of storytelling.
The Masterclass is free, but, due to a limited number of seats, reservation is needed.
Bio: Raphael Rodan (1980) is an award-winning theatre maker and storyteller. He graduated in 2008 from the School of Speech and Drama in Harduf in his country of birth Israel. He continued his actor training at the Actors Temple in London. He worked in Israel as a theatre director for Arab and Jewish young actors, using theatre as a bridge for communication. Since his move to Europe he runs storytelling workshops and performs all over the continent. Together with Sahand Sahebdivani he has established the Mezrab Storytelling School, a school that is striving to link the ancient art of storytelling with today’s burning questions.