A Trail of Pomegranate Seeds

Artist: Rasha Hilwi & Sahand Sahebdivani


Duration: 60 min

Start: 16:00

End: 17:00

Price: €15

Language: EN
Location: Studio

About the show:

The impressive love and life stories of writer and journalist Rasha Hilwi and storyteller Sahand Sahebdivani. Personal stories about leaving their homelands and trying to find belonging will be mixed with a tapestry of songs and folk tales. Their journey culminates in making two children who, through their parents, have roots in Palestine and Iran. Rasha and Sahand talk about love, lullabies, melancholy and the indomitable spirits of their ancestors.



Rasha Hilwi is a DJ storyteller: an artistic form that combines stories and music. In her work, she focuses on the questions surrounding “Home بيت” and “Ghorbah غربة” and their intersection with womanhood, feminism, motherhood and identity. Rasha also is Palestinian writer, journalist and mother of twin girls. She graduated from the University of Haifa with a Bachelor of Sociology and Anthropology.She is the co-editor in chief of Raseef22, an Arabic language media platform standing at the intersection of identity, democracy and social justice.

Sahand Sahebdivani is the most known storyteller of The Netherlands. In 2004 he founded the Mezrab, which became one of the most important storytelling stages of the world. Sahand arrived in the Netherlands as a refugee of the Iran-Iraq war at the age of three. The experiences of him and his family have been the basis of the majority of his work. Sahand also is a father of twin girls, a writer and the co-director of The Amsterdam Storytelling Festival.



Concept, text and music by Rasha Hilwi and Sahand Sahebdivani